Agricultural Drainage

The Issue

  • Herbicides, pesticides and sediment in farm runoff are considered “waste” and are subject to State regulation through the State’s Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program; 
  • The State requires that growers implement practices that keep “farm waste” on the farm and out of the local drains, creeks and rivers;
  • Farm inputs and sediments continue to be found in local drains, creeks and the San Joaquin River on the west side of the San Joaquin River
  • If growers cannot keep these substances out of the State’s waters the State may require each grower to develop a management plan for their farm and to annually monitor and report to the State;
  • Each grower, as part of the Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition, is responsible for implementing conservation practices that keep sediment, herbicides and pesticides on the farm and out of State waters. 

For a list of conservation practices click here. The Coalition for Urban/Rural Environmental Stewardship is also an excellent resource for information on best management practices with an excellent overview of Watershed Coalitions and the regulatory framework. 

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Water quality on the Westside continues to exceed acceptable levels set by the State and the State drafted a letter to Westside Growers warning them of the consequences of continued non-compliance. To see a copy of the letter click here.